I really liked that Atlassian simplified the whole SDLC to only three phases: discovery, delivery, and operations. That is a KISS – Keep It Short and Simple.
Discovery: customer research, design, prototyping, visioning, brainstorming, …
- This phase tries to answer the “why” of work.
- Connecting teams better with Figma, Confluence pages, Miro, etc. Creating and communicating goals, which we are already proudly and successfully using.
Delivery: release, deployment, pull requests, merge requests, security, QA testing, commit, flag, …
This phase is mainly about how to improve team performance, for example by
- sprint commitment and progress card (a pop-up window showing details)
- cycle time
- showing biggest bottlenecks
For these features we might check out the Atlassian Product Analytics as well, should we want to dive into more details.
Operations: components, incidents, change, alerts, monitoring …
Automation in Jira/Confluence is something I would personally like to experiment more with, to improve workflow:
- When work begins, the status of a Jira ticket gets automatically in progress
- Feature flag changes status
- A branch is created automatically
- in done: release note page is created automatically in Confluence and is feature-flagged
- A retro page is created
Imagine that the ticket statuses got updated automatically before the daily standup.