The growth of a startup and, with it, the development of the dev team brings a lot of questions and unavoidable decisions. How will growth affect culture? How do you hire the right people? What kind of organisational challenges does the growth bring? The session had three speakers, each with a unique view on hiring quality talent.
Mark Birch (Principal Startup Advocate AWS) stated that it is better to hire sooner rather than later. He pointed out that when your startup becomes a massive success and needs to scale, you will not have the necessary manpower, or you will have to pay dearly for freelance help.
Andreas Schranzhofer, CTO of Scalable Capital, argues that the quality of people beats quantity every time. More can be done with a smaller team of talented individuals, which is in harmony with itself.
Denis Turkov, Senior Director of Architecture of Spryker, shared a lot of insights on employee lifecycle management, arguing that hiring should be a top priority since the average tenure in the IT industry is just two years. You can only get approximately the same amount of time out of quality talent before they supposedly get bored and move. However, this does not hold for all employees; he had a great metaphor to describe this. You have core employees like the tree branches which hold the organisation together, and then you have leaves that fall out at the end of a season, representing employees with shorter stays. He is a proponent of identifying so-called “branch” employees.